Voting Postback Integration

When a user votes on your server through ArenaTop100, you can track their votes and reward them using a unique player ID. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up and integrate our postback system.

Step 1: Set Up the Voting URL

Include your unique player ID in the voting URL to track the votes. The URL should be in the following format:[SiteSlug]?userId=[UniquePlayerID]
  • Replace [SiteSlug] with your site's slug from ArenaTop100.
  • Replace [UniquePlayerID] with the unique identifier you use to track your players (e.g., their username or player ID).


<a href="[SiteSlug]?userId=[UniquePlayerID]">
  <img src="" alt="Vote for our server!" />

Step 2: Configure Your Postback URL

In your ArenaTop100 account settings, specify the URL where we will send the postback request after a successful vote. This URL should point to a script on your server that handles the postback data.

Step 3: Implement the Postback Handler

Create a PHP script on your server to handle the postback request. This script will:

  • Verify that the request comes from ArenaTop100.
  • Validate the userId received in the POST request.
  • Credit the user for voting and update their voting status.

Example PHP Code:

2// Include database connection
3include('db_connect.php'); // Ensure this file connects to the correct database
5// Check if request comes from
6if (gethostbyname("") !== $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
7    error_log("Unauthorized postback attempt from IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
8    echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unauthorized request.']);
9    exit;
12// Get the JSON payload from the POST request
13$input = file_get_contents("php://input");
14$data = json_decode($input, true);
16// Validate the input data
17if (!isset($data['success']) || !isset($data['userId'])) {
18    error_log("Invalid postback request: Missing required fields.");
19    echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Invalid request.']);
20    exit;
23// Assign variables from the payload
24$success = $data['success'];
25$userId = filter_var($data['userId'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
27if (!$userId) {
28    // Log invalid userId and send an error response
29    error_log("Invalid postback request: missing or invalid userId.");
30    echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Invalid request.']);
31    exit;
34if ($success) {
35    // Success case: The vote is valid
36    mysqli_begin_transaction($conn, MYSQLI_TRANS_START_READ_WRITE);
38    try {
39        // Credit the user for voting (e.g., 10 credits)
40        $creditUserQuery = "UPDATE users SET credits = credits + 10 WHERE user_id = ?";
41        $stmt = mysqli_prepare($conn, $creditUserQuery);
42        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 's', $userId);
43        mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt);
44        mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
46        // Update the voting status (if necessary)
47        $updateVoteStatusQuery = "UPDATE users SET vote = vote + 1 WHERE user_id = ?";
48        $stmt = mysqli_prepare($conn, $updateVoteStatusQuery);
49        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 's', $userId);
50        mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt);
51        mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
53        // Commit the transaction
54        mysqli_commit($conn);
56        // Respond to ArenaTop100 with success
57        echo json_encode([
58            'success' => true,
59            'message' => "User with userId '$userId' successfully voted and received 10 credits."
60        ]);
61    } catch (Exception $e) {
62        // Rollback the transaction on failure
63        mysqli_rollback($conn);
64        error_log("Error processing postback for userId $userId: " . $e->getMessage());
65        echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'An error occurred.']);
66    } finally {
67        // Always close the database connection
68        mysqli_close($conn);
69    }
70} else {
71    // Failure case: The vote is invalid or user must wait
72    error_log("Vote failed for userId $userId: " . $data['message']);
73    echo json_encode([
74        'success' => false,
75        'message' => $data['message']
76    ]);

How It Works

  1. User Clicks the Banner: The user clicks on the voting banner on your site, which redirects them to ArenaTop100 with their unique player ID in the URL.
  2. User Votes on ArenaTop100: The user votes for your server on ArenaTop100.
  3. Postback Request: After a successful vote, ArenaTop100 sends a POST request to your specified postback URL with the userId.
  4. Handle Postback: Your PHP script processes the postback request, validates the userId, credits the user, updates their voting status and responds with a confirmation.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate ArenaTop100's voting postback system and reward your players for voting.