Version: Season 8 Episode 17 (+season 17 events, sets , weapons, items, pets, muuns and events)
Dynamic Experience Rate: 30X - 12X (Dynamic ExpRate formula: the higher count your character resets are, the less ExpRate to gain)
Master EXP Rate: 10X
Drop: 40%
Points per Level for ordinary classes: 5
Points per Level for MG and DL: 7
Points per Level for Summoner: 5
Points per Level for RF: 7
Reset Level: 400
Max Resets: 36
Reset Method: Reset Stat (+2,000 Stats To Add after each reset*multiplied by resets number)
Reset Zen Cost: 15,000,000 Zen
Clear PK Cost: 15,000,000 Zen
Max Level: 400
Max Master Level: 440
Max Master Points: 1,320
Max Stats: 32,767
Guild creation: from 350 Level
Elf Soldier Buff: up to level 220
Jewel Success Rates: Bless 100%; Soul/Life/Harmony: 80%
MU Helper enabled from level 1
Newbie Starter Packs and Seals at start
New Season 17-18 Mastery Armors (Bloodangel, Darkangel, Holyangel, Soul, Blue Eye, Silver Heart, Manticore and Brilliant Sets for all 7 classes - Dark Wizard, Elf, Dark Knight, Magic Gladiator, Dark Lord, Summoner and Rage Fighter)
All New Muuns + New Pets (Season 8 - Season 17) Working 100%
All Features of Season 1 up to Season 8 Working 100%!
HD Res+GAME FPS 35+ guarantees smooth game experience!
In-Game Resolution Changing
In-Game Anti-Lag Tweaker
Up to 10 Party Members+ Reconnect Party+ Matching System+ Party Bonus EXP up to 60% more XP with different classes in party.
150+ Custom features that offers you even more exciting and challengi